Pathway to Prospects
Pathway to Prospects is a service dedicated to delivering support and guidance to young people aged 16+ from within the Looked After Care system or classed as a ‘Child in Need’. Their aim is to close the gap between residential homes/fostering and young people living independently. Providing young people the guidance, knowledge and tools required to progress through transitional living into adulthood, along with the appropriate emotional and financial support.
Working in conjunction with the 5 outcomes of the “Every Child Matters” ethos, the aim of Pathway to Prospects is to promote a set of values and principles that will enable young people to successfully undergo the transition from residential/foster care through to semi-independent living and then further on to fully independent adulthood.
The Challenge
1. Safeguarding Governance, Reporting Pathway, Safeguarding Designated Person(s) Model and Audit & Review Processes for safeguarding.
The company has had rapid growth in the past twelve months which also included new staff. The current safeguarding policy was outdated and did not include safeguarding adults at risk. The current policy and procedure needed to be rewritten in a clear usable document that was branded ‘safeguarding’.
A clear reporting pathway for a small intensive service did not exist, likewise a clear role and responsibilities for safeguarding designated people within in the organisation. There was a forward and innovative approach to recording of data and client information however it lacked the necessary security features. This could also be adapted to include stringent monitoring and review functions. The aim was to ensure the company’s workforce worked in a transparent culture.
2. Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
Pathway to Prospects Safeguarding Policy for Children was due to be updated and it was recognised that the policy and procedures should include Safeguarding Adults at Risk. Any new procedures would need to include any changes to Safeguarding governance, structure and electronic recording systems procedures. They had a separate Safeguarding Children Policy and wished to create a single policy covering both children and adults with separate procedures.
The Athena Solution
Athena believed in working with Pathway to Prospects with transparency based on a partnership approach.
A workshop style facilitation and training day was delivered to the Senior Management team to deliver basic safeguarding training (for Adults at Risk and Children), as well understanding and maintaining a Safer Culture. This time was devoted to scoping out a safeguarding strategic report for the company. This included a robust organisational governance framework; a safeguarding structure chart; reporting pathways; organisational challenges; Code of Conduct; Specialised areas of practice and future areas of development.
Expert knowledge was shared and the company were advised on security and safeguarding issues for their electronic recording and management system.
The Outcome
Athena provided a prompt, friendly and efficient service in this partnership. The training events, consultation, advice and reports were delivered on time with a flexible approach to a high standard.
1. Safeguarding Governance, Reporting Pathway, Safeguarding Designated Person(s) Model and Audit & Review Processes for safeguarding
A workshop style facilitation and training day was held for the Senior Management team from which a transparent safeguarding governance and structure was agreed. Roles and responsibilities were clarified and priority training needs identified. Robust review and monitoring systems were agreed through a newly formed a monthly meeting for Safeguarding Designated Person(s).
This workshop facilitation day was designed to, and provided opportunities for discussion and critical reflection by senior managers in key risk areas for a safer culture.
2. Safeguarding Policy and Procedures
The Pathway to Prospects Safeguarding Policy and Procedures were reviewed for compliance against a number of indicators and standards in England. E.g. Current legislation (future proofed for the imminent Care Act 2014, National Guidance, local Adult and Children Safeguarding Boards, Care Quality Commission, SCIE).
A sample safeguarding incident report form was provided for the organisation to adapt to their services. This formed the basis for discussions on reporting safeguarding concerns and was used as a guide to ensure all relevant details would be captured on their electronic recording systems.
The policy also took into account specialist areas for example: legal highs; self harm and a code of conduct.
David Apsley-Thompson Executive Director said,
“Pathway to Prospects was selected to take part in a pilot programme of enhanced standards of inspection. During this inspection we were asked to demonstrate how we had developed policies that exceed expectation and change the service in a positive way. Our safeguarding policy was used to evidence how we, as an organisation, linked with external partners to better develop policies and how we use the expertise of professionals to ensure the organisation is learning and developing.
This policy, and the subsequent procedures that followed on from this, we evidence that we listened to the concerns of our staff, and used that information to create a robust approach to safeguarding our service users and were able to more effectively monitor the concerns that arise from each area of our service.
The outcome from this inspection was that we go above and beyond the expected standards and current guidelines”.