Statistics show that children with disabilities are more vulnerable to abuse for a variety of reasons, for example, understanding risks or communication difficulties.
This course makes participants think creatively when supporting deaf and disabled children and young people to safeguard them from harm. It offers an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse and the ability to recognise and respond appropriately to concerns about disabled children.
The course ensures that the needs of disabled children are given the correct prioritisation within the child protection process and raises professionals awareness of legislative changes and how they impact upon services to disabled children.
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the legal definitions of Disability according to The Equality Act 2010.
- To refresh knowledge and understanding of existing safeguarding legislation and statutory guidance to ensure this is being appropriately applied for all service users.
- To consider the research and statistics in relation to increased risk of harm for persons with additional needs.
- To understand the barriers for reporting abuse or harm for all individuals with additional needs.
- To consider best practice in relation to inclusion and safeguarding responsibilities.
- To understand the importance of early planning for transition from childhood into adulthood where additional services are required for everyday living.
- To understand the importance of good multi agency partnership working across children’s services to ensure best outcomes for individuals with additional needs.
- To consider how best to include the service users voice in all elements of harm prevention, planning and evaluation.
- To consider organisational processes which may increase the risk of harm to service users with additional needs, for example: delivery of intimate care, restraint procedures etc.
Additional Learning Outcomes:
- To consider best practice approaches in managing challenging behaviour.