Level 5 NHS Combined Safeguarding Course

(2-day course)

What should I already know before the NHS Safeguarding Level 5 Training?

Before attending NHS Safeguarding Level 5 Training, it’s important to have a strong foundation in safeguarding practices and an understanding of relevant legislative and safeguarding Governance frameworks.

You should also be well-versed in current national safeguarding legislation and guidance, such as the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Care Act 2014, Working Together to Safeguard Children framework Care and Support Statutory Guidance and a comparable understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its Code of Practice. This includes familiarity with key safeguarding concepts, such as the definitions of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and the roles and responsibilities of different professionals in identifying and responding to safeguarding concerns.

Experience in handling safeguarding cases, assessing risk, and making decisions in complex situations is valuable, as Level 5 training focuses on strategic leadership and managing safeguarding responsibilities within organisations.

The course will help you to:-

  • Develop an effective strategy for safeguarding
  • Develop an appropriate safe, multiagency/interagency partnership working practices including information sharing protocols.
  • Ensure safeguarding is positioned as core business in strategic and operating plans and structures.
  • Oversee, implement and monitor the ongoing assurance of safeguarding arrangements.
  • Ensure the adoption, implementation and auditing of practice, policy and strategy in relation to safeguarding.

Overall, arriving with a proactive mindset, a commitment to best practices and a readiness to engage with the complexities of safeguarding at a leadership level will ensure you maximise the benefits of the training.

What will I learn on a Safeguarding Level 5 course?

Day 1

  • Introduction to their leadership role in safeguarding along with advanced awareness of different specialties and professional roles
  • Safeguarding legislation and guidance - national and international influences- compliance and consequences
  • Strategic role versus operations role
  • Building a safeguarding strategy and leading on a culture of vigilance- Effective Safeguarding Governance structure
  • The importance of policy and procedures development
  • Managing Organisational Risk and acceptable risk appetite
  • Escalating concerns and effective partnerships.
  • Understanding Safeguarding Practice Reviews
  • Learning from Practice Reviews - cascading good practice

Day 2

  • Trauma-informed practice
  • Understanding Contextual Safeguarding and Adverse Childhood Experiences.
  • Staff Training Needs Analysis – to focus on delivering on Policy and Procedures
  • Safe working practices and staffing issues.
  • Staff allegations - Increased awareness around Identifying, managing and defending risk and how this can help when overseeing, supervising and assessing the competency of staff including the importance of reflective supervision
  • The importance of effective Supervision, management and oversight
  • Quality Assurance process – linked with monitoring service delivery
  • Understand the value of self-assessment and external safeguarding audits
  • Dealing with the Media
  • Ongoing development – Safeguarding Journal/workbook

Who should complete Level 5 Safeguarding Training?

Level 5 Safeguarding Training is typically designed for individuals in senior or strategic roles who are responsible for safeguarding policies, oversight, or advanced decision-making within their organisation. This training ensures they have the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage complex safeguarding issues and lead their organisation effectively in protecting adults and children at risk of abuse.

Key groups who should complete Level 5 Safeguarding Training include:

Senior Managers and Leaders: Those who oversee safeguarding within their organisation, Directors, CEOs, Directors in Health Care Trusts and other senior executives.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs): Professional DSL’s tasked with leading and coordinating safeguarding.

Safeguarding Officers or Managers: Those responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring safeguarding policies and procedures.

Consultants and Advisors: External professionals providing safeguarding advice or support to organisations.

What Jobs Require Level 5 Training?

Jobs requiring Level 5 Safeguarding Training typically involve senior responsibility for safeguarding within organisations that work with children, young people, or adults at risk. These roles require advanced knowledge and leadership skills to ensure safeguarding policies are implemented effectively legal standards are met and best practices.

Jobs That Typically Require Level 5 Safeguarding Training

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Responsible for managing safeguarding within schools, colleges, nurseries.

Safeguarding Manager/Officer - Oversees and monitors safeguarding processes in organisations such as charities, healthcare providers, or youth services.

Senior Managers in Safeguarding - Roles such as Headteachers, Care Home Managers, or Social Work Managers, where safeguarding is a strategic responsibility.

Safeguarding Consultant/Advisor - Provides expert safeguarding advice and training to organisations.

Police or Law Enforcement Leaders in Safeguarding - Particularly those overseeing child protection units or domestic abuse services.

Human Resources Leaders - HR professionals managing safer recruitment, training and policy oversight.

Foster Care or Adoption Agency Leaders - Directors or managers ensuring safeguarding in child placements.

Early Years Professionals in Leadership Roles - Nursery managers or childcare service owners responsible for safeguarding compliance.

Level 5 training equips individuals in these roles to handle complex safeguarding concerns, develop policies and provide support and leadership to their teams.

How to book on a Level 5 Training Course?

If you are looking to raise your awareness or safeguarding and increase your understanding, get in touch with a friendly member of our team for more information.

Not sure which course is right for your organisation we are here to help.

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