Housing and Residential Care
As ever, our priority is to meet your safeguarding needs in a way that offers a holistic solution to the present challenges you face in housing provision. We fully appreciate many of your tenants may be deemed vulnerable as families and so in need of extra support and that this can bring many safeguarding concerns. In working with you we are able to weave safeguarding into your housing strategy and business plans.
We’ve heaps of practice in communicating effectively with employees of housing providers ranging from Customer Services Managers, Housing Officers, Quality Assurance Officers, Surveyors, Area Housing Managers, Portfolio Managers, Personnel, Repairs, Environmental Services Staff, Housing Support Staff and workers in Sheltered Schemes.
We love working with residential, domiciliary and care services for working in partnership to secure compliance of Good Quality Safe Services: Protecting children and adults at risk. It’s an area of safeguarding where we help you to stand out from the crowd and guidance in taking positive action. We offer premium bespoke safeguarding packages for residential and care services that you are able to share publicly with your local community, safeguarding teams, commissioners & CQC / Ofsted Inspectors showing your Good Quality Safe Service.
Our specialist areas within the housing sector covers:
- The wider anti-social behaviour agenda
- Contextual safeguarding and areas such as domestic abuse, MAPPA and MARAC
- Safeguarding tenants and families – victim focussed
- Multi-agency and joint working
Our specialist areas in residential care covers:
- Children’s residential care
- Residential care for elder people
- Auxiliary care providers
- Safeguarding compliance for inspections and registration
- Safeguarding audits and reviews
- Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards