This course examines the concept of vulnerability and the safeguarding of adults at risk in a variety of situations – some of which are regulated under the Care Standards Act 2000. You will need to have attained at least Level 1 safeguarding adults before attending this course.
You will be able to focus, in detail, on the various forms that adult abuse can take and develop a better understanding of who is an adult at risk, who the potential abusers are and the actions you must take where abuse is disclosed (safeguarding thresholds).
You will increase your knowledge of identifying and reporting actual or potential abuse, you will be able to define the term “abuse” and distinguish between the various patterns of abuse.
You will get increased knowledge of partner agencies' responses and your expected involvement in the Adult Abuse Enquiry Process.( Sec 42)
Our course will help you in analysing legislation and regulatory frameworks surrounding interagency collaboration including The Care Act 2014, the Care and Support Statutory Guidance, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Code of Practice, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and Safeguarding Adult Reviews.
What will you Learn on a Safeguarding Adults at Risk Level 2 Course?
- Understand the roles and responsibilities of others under Safeguarding Adults at Risk Procedures (Care Act 2014)
- Explain the concepts of ‘Duty to Promote Wellbeing and safeguarding
- Understand the adult abuse investigation process from concern to referral, decision-making meeting, protection plan and Outcome meeting (Section 42)
- Increase knowledge around Information sharing in safeguarding (including DPA 2018) for capacity and consent
- Apply a range of knowledge and understanding to solve practical adult abuse situations to understand internal and external referral pathways e.g., for example, meeting structures and timescales with the use of bespoke case studies
- Understanding the emotional aspect of making a decision for another who lacks capacity and demonstrating an awareness of the main principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Best interest principle.
- Understand the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ( DoLS) and updates on Liberty Protection Safeguards (LiPS)
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocates
- Other safeguarding arrangements e.g., MAPPA and MARAC, National Child and Domestic Abuse Disclosure schemes, Prevent Agenda, Serious Adult Reviews)
What else will you learn on a Safeguarding Adults Level 2
Some of the other modules you can expect to encounter during your level two training include:
- Powers of Attorney and guidance in safeguarding cases
- Court Of Protection involvement and Powers
- Upon completing the course, you will have gained a greater understanding of adult abuse as well as developing your skills to be able to recognise and deal with abuse within your workplace and beyond.
How often do I need to refresh my Level 2 Safeguarding Training?
Individual Organisational Regulations will make their own recommendations; however, best practice would suggest the following time frames for safeguarding training and updating:
- Level 2 – Every 2 years
Safeguarding certificates are awarded after training and will count towards your CPD hours. There is no expiry on the certificate, but it’s recommended to refresh your training annually.
What jobs require level 2 Safeguarding Adults at Risk training?
Level 2 Safeguarding Adults at Risk training is required for individuals who work in roles where they have increased responsibility or contact with adults who may be at risk of abuse or harm. These roles often involve providing care, support, or services to vulnerable adults.
Here are some examples of jobs that may require Level 2 Safeguarding Adults at Risk training:
Private Hospital
Sports/swimming coaches
Employment advisors
Community pharmacists
Rehabilitation workers
Residential care workers
Registered managers
Charity volunteer coordinators
It's important to note that the specific requirements for Level 2 Safeguarding Adults at Risk training may vary depending on the organisation, industry standards, and local regulations. Therefore, individuals should always check with their employer or relevant authorities to determine if Level 2 training is necessary for their job role.
How do I know which safeguarding training course level I need?
This is one of the most common questions we get asked. It may not be immediately apparent if you're working within a small organisation or implementing safeguarding best practices for the first time.
We would first recommend consulting with your employer. You should also double-check the requirements of your workplace. Although virtual and blended learning is acceptable for certification, your workplace may mandate in-person training.
The Athena Programme can help you to understand what level of training you may need and what individual courses may also suit you, speak to a friendly member of our team.
What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 Safeguarding Adults at Risk?
The difference between Level 1 and Level 2 safeguarding Adults at Risk training is the depth of learning. Level 1 will cover the basics and everyday duties of how to report a concern and who the appropriate person is to report to. Level 2 Safeguarding Training offers support to those with responsibilities higher than Level 1.
To see all learning outcomes please see our Safeguarding Adults at Risk Level 1 Course
Learners of Level 2 will gain insight and understanding into key safeguarding legislation and how to apply knowledge to solve practical adult abuse situations and to understand the internal and external reporting and referral pathways. Learners will understand the roles and responsibilities of others under Safeguarding Adults at Risk Procedures (Care Act 2014) and the concepts of ‘Duty to Promote Wellbeing and safeguard Adults at Risk. Learners will also be updated with the Adult Abuse Enquiry process (Sec 42 ). In this Level 2 course learners will understand the emotional aspect of making a decision for another who lacks capacity and demonstrate an awareness of the main principles of the Mental Capacity Act and the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards.
at Risk Level 2 Course
How to book on a Level 2 Course?
If you are looking to raise your awareness or safeguarding and increase your understanding, get in touch with a friendly member of our team for more information.
Not sure which course is right for your organisation we are here to help.
Safeguarding with Care, Creativity Training and Consultancy
The Athena Programme is an award-winning company specialising in consultancy and training for the safeguarding of children and adults at risk